Maid Cleaning LLC invests heavily in procurement to find quality cleaners. Hiring OUR current, Ex-worker(s) and/or accepting side propositions from the cleaner makes you liable for an employment referral fee of $500.00 if you directly employ (legally or cash basis) anyone currently or formerly employed by us within the 2 year period. By using our service, you agree to notify us of any attempts to solicit or accept illegal business, otherwise; Attorney, Legal and miscellaneous expenses incurred to investigate and/or collect this fee will be added if this employment is discovered. Exchanging contact info is considered part of this breach.
Unless complying with all laws; direct, unreported or inappropriate employment practices are illegal. You acknowledge being informed that Maid Cleaning LLC is obligated to report illegal hiring activities. In fact, anyone may report this to the proper Government and Judicial authorities so investigation ensues. Implication, complicity or withholding knowledge of illegal activity is not only prosecutable by Maid Cleaning LLC (when applicable), but also by United States Federal and Local Laws.
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